Description of the project: Me and my design team from Södertörn’s University designed an interactive film that made students be more aware of their morning habits.The film shows how different choices end up in different endings during a morning routine.Snoozing makes you come late to school, not eating breakfast makes you be unfocused during the lessons, and so on.
Goal: To design an interactive system that changed peoples
behavior. We chose to design an interactive system that changed morning habits,
which obviously is part of our behavior as well.
Methods: User research, mapping film sequences, user testing.
Design process
User research
We did the user research based on ourselves, as students, and some of our classmates. We started to think about our own behavior patterns that we weren’t happy about, and that we wanted to change. The spontaneous response to that discussion was morning habits. Almost everyone agreed that we, as students, almost always skipped breakfast or chose to snooze in the morning, which had some impact on our school performance. Here we had a problem that had to be solved.
The user needs to become aware of his/hers morning habits in order to make a change.
Screenshots of the final result
Usability testing
We tested the interactive film on four participants, students at Södertörn’s University. They all gave positive response saying that the interactive film showed a result that made sense, based on the choices they have made. The participants found it entertaining and believed that their choices, their morning habits, became visualized in the film. However, one of the participants believed that the test would not work in a stressful situation since it takes time to do the test and there is no possibility to pause or accelerate tempo of the film.